
Something else to consider when funding kickstarter projects.

Third party pledge managers......

So, a kickstarter I chipped in for completed last week, and was successfully funded.

Today, I get a note saying that they have decided to use a third party pledge manager.  This is like the 3rd or 4th time this has happened to me, and it's starting to piss me off.

I understand doing this sort of thing frees up the people working on the actual product to do what they do best, but why should I be expected to cough up more info to a third party, especially when there was no expectation of such a thing when I pledged in the first place?

I mean, at a minimum, I'll have to surrender my kickstarter username and associated e-mail address.  If I was getting a physical product, this heretofore unknown to me entity would be getting my home address.  If I wanted to add anything to my pledge, post-funding, I'm presuming I'd have to cough up some credit card info.

It's one thing to pledge for a funding drive by some guy I've never met, but who is creating something I am interested in, and let amazon.com handle the monetary transaction.  Amazon.com is a company I already have a relationship with, who I have chosen to share personal information with.

But now, if I want to actually get what I pledged for, I'm basically forced into sharing some or all of this information with a new, unknown to me entity.  Who the hell is this guy?  Why the hell should I even have to worry about it?


Stupid Fishmen.

Tired of trying to say "Kuo-Toa" out loud.

Henceforth, I'm calling them "fishdudes", "deepones", or "Kay-Tees".


Top Ten Troll Questions for Your Game: My responses

(1). Race (Elf, Dwarf, Halfling) as a class? Yes or no?
Nope.  Race as race.

(2). Do demi-humans have souls?

Nope.  Just like Don "No Soul" Simmons.

(3). Ascending or descending armor class?


(4). Demi-human level limits?

Yup.  If yo don't want limits, I think it is just fine to get rid of them, as long as Humans gain a 10% XP bonus or something along those lines.

(5). Should thief be a class?


(6). Do characters get non-weapon skills?

No delineated skills, but they can roll on the Secondary Skills Table on pg. 12 of the DMG if they so choose.

(7). Are magic-users more powerful than fighters (and, if yes, what level do they take the lead)?

Low levels (1-4): no.
Mid levels (5-9): yes.
High levels (10+): no.

By the time characters are 10th level, they should be facing opponents who are: 1) High level NPCs or 2) High-end monsters with MR.  Both of these tend to nullify the effectiveness of the the magic-user, unless the DM plays them like patsies.

(8). Do you use alignment languages?

No.  This is where I diverge from the book quite a bit.

(9). XP for gold, or XP for objectives (thieves disarming traps, etc...)?
Both!  But the PCs gotta earn 'em.

(10). Which is the best edition; ODD, Holmes, Moldvay, Mentzer, Rules Cyclopedia, 1E ADD, 2E ADD, 3E ADD, 4E ADD, Next ?

1e AD&D.

Bonus Question: Unified XP level tables or individual XP level tables for each class?

Individual.  Unified tables are for "balance" obsessed nerds and videogamers.


My "Trapped on a Space Station in Deep Space" boardgames....

Usually with lists like these, people talk about being marooned on a desert island.  We live in the 21st Century now (well, some of us, anyway...), so lets update the setting:

You're trapped on a space station in deep space.  Food, water, and health care are all assured by the on-board systems.  You'll not starve or die of anything besides natural causes.  However, you won't ever make contact with earth again, nor have any hope of establishing contact outside of the station.  However, you're lucky to be marooned with good friends.....so, what boardgames would you stow in you locker?  (I'll do RPGs, cardgames, minis, and miscellaneous staff later...

My list:
1) RoboRally - insane factory floor robot war, instigated by a psycotic mainframe

2) Cosmic Encounter - travel the universe, encounter strange beings, stab 'em in the back, and settle their systems!  (I'd probably take the Mayfair version, but the link is for the entire family)

3) Fire and Axe - trade, settle, and raid europe!

4) Ticket to Ride - hop aboard and become a rail baron (would probably bring the 1910 expansion)

5) Carcassonne - build a city, farm, and be a highwayman!

6) Circus Maximus - ever seen the chariot race in Ben Hur?

7) Formula De - Formula One racing

8) Close Action - Age of Sail combat

9) War of the Ring - fight for Middle Earth!

10) Blue Max - WWI aircombat

Those who know me might be surprised to see Crimson Skies missing......I'm going to include that in my minis post.....

So, what are yours?